Table of Contents

Why is Mental Health important?

Mental health awareness has grown over the past few decades as a collective call to find holistic and deeper happiness. 

We are all continually experiencing stressful situations that confront us and test our health and well-being. And, no matter how much we meditate and listen to our inner voice, at times we need professional assistance to cope with such processes. Or even, in some cases, to help overcome traumas in the past that do not allow us to live properly in the present.

Unfortunately, even today, there is still a taboo that attending psychotherapy or counseling is “for crazy people”. Moreover, despite the rise in awareness of mental health, there is still a hard reluctance in society to talk about it, even within one’s own family.

Yet, addressing it has to become natural or a habit for all of us who want to live healthy and happy lives in these challenging times.

“(Mental health) Therapy is not about madness or sickness, it is about health and well-being. Give your self credit today for being courageous enough to take the first step to coming here to make sense of your issues.” – Dr. Linda Sakr.

How bad are mental health problems impacting people?

The World Health Organization estimates that 1 in 4 adults around the world suffers from some type of mental or neurological disorder. This is mainly due to the accelerated changes that we as humanity have been experiencing, and that we are entering a much more mental era. Moreover, even when the tools exist, at least two-thirds of those affected with mental problems do not seek the required professional help because of the stigma attached to it.

Mental Health in the UAE

A WHO study published in 2015 concluded that the UAE was the country with the highest incidence of depression in the Middle East. Anxiety and substance abuse disorders were the other kinds of mental health problems included in the UAE’s top of most prevalent disorders.  Furthermore, another study published in Frontiers of Psychiatry demonstrated the notorious influence of Covid-19 on mental health in the country. This is because among respondents, over one-third reported a significant increase in their stress levels and aggravation of mental health problems. This differs significantly from the results from another study in 2019, which showed that depression levels oscillated between 13 and 28%, depending on the methodology used.

How Does a Holistic Mental Health Therapy Work?

We are multidimensional, and the mind is a tool of the soul to organize, understand, and guide all that complex potential in adaptation to the environment. A holistic mental therapy thus addresses the health of your mind, considering the different dimensions in your life:

  •     Physical 
  •     Emotional
  •     Sexual
  •     Financial
  •     Work
  •     Self-concept and identity
  •     Social
  •     Spiritual

Then, the holistic therapist or counselor will respect your speed and unique way of living the process. This is because he bases his diagnosis and procedure not on the symptoms, but on your identity and how well you’re expressing that essence every day. 

In general, a holistic therapist or counselor will follow the following principles:

Each person has a spirit and a purpose

One of the main triggers of mental problems is the lack of identity or finding oneself. Living for the sake of living, or fed by false motivations and irrational conditioning disconnects us from the essence. Therefore, it is necessary to reconnect the client with it and a purpose that revives his or her will.

Symptoms are messages from the soul

Body, mind, and soul are one. Therefore, whether anxiety, depression, mood swings, or even more bodily illnesses are problems destined not only to go away, but to be understood. Overcoming them will help you become better and gain peace of mind.

Each person holds the answers within

Although holistic therapists may provide the best tools, the ultimate answers always await within each being. A therapist must help you see yourself as the source of the answers that give peace of mind to your soul, which sometimes needs professional help to calibrate that connection with itself.

Habits are the key to change

Conventional medicine and psychiatry usually focuses only on prescribing medications, without delving in depth into the habits. A holistic therapist takes them into account and helps you to empower yourself through them, applying changes as appropriate and necessary. This will allow the results to be comprehensive and durable.Download the Monthly Wellness Challenge to help you establish healthy habits adapted to today’s times.

Habits for a healthy mind

As habits are key to finding deep and long-term improvements in life, knowing the principles of mental hygiene will help you cope stress and anxiety to leave happier. Next the main habits you should keep,


Meditating is like taking a shower. Our mind gets overloaded with problems and bad vibes, and it’s crucial to give it time in your routine to clean it and train it to cope with stress.

Respect sleep hours

The physiological bases of mental health also impacts on its health. Try having restful nights to keep your body healthy and your mind clear. If you need assistance to achieve this, join a session with Dr. Linda Sakr or other coaches at Keyani specialized in addressing lifestyle changes.

Connect with your emotions and let them flow

Repressing fears and feelings wears out the mind and body. So, always listen to your heart and be honest with yourself!

Stay physically active and productive

Both working and doing physical activity help drain and focus mental energy.

Keep some hobby or practice you love

They connect you with your spirit and keep you inspired.

Moderate influx of information

Using too much Youtube, Netflix, video games, among other phone apps produces a new kind of mental stress that needs to be regulated. Share more time close to nature instead.

Go to therapy

No matter how smart you consider you are in addressing your emotions and mindset, there will always be problems in which we need some assistance. Go beyond the stigma and look for help, either against serious and chronic problems, or to learn to manage stress and negative conditionings.

A mind-hacking resource against stress and anxiety

Since ancient times, breathing has been considered the main way to control your mind. 

Below, we will teach you a simple breathing technique that helps to clear your mind and calm your anxiety. After performing it, you will become more aware of yourself, the cause of your stress or discomfort, and the steps to take to overcome it.

The following breathing is called ‘box breathing’ or ‘four-square breathing’.

  1. Sit up straight, making sure you don’t feel any tension.
  2. Begin to inhale fully, counting from 1 to 4 slowly from the time you start to the time you finish inhaling.
  3. Hold the air inside, without letting anything out. Count again slowly to 4 in this state.
  4. Then exhale all the air, counting again from 1 to 4 until you are empty.
  5. Hold with the air out, again counting slowly to 4. 
  6. Inhale again and continue the cycle, with your eyes closed for 1 to 3 minutes. The slower you breathe, the better.

Learn more resources to hack your mind

Want to explore even more resources for overcoming stress and regaining mental wellness? Enter your email below, and we’ll send you other quick, simple techniques to start taking care of your mental health.

Join a Holistic Mental Health Therapy Session at Keyani

As we mentioned before, it is necessary to break the taboos of sharing about this dimension of your health, as well as to go for psychological counseling as part of your integral care. 

That is why, within Keyani’s team we count on Linda Sakr, an accompanying psychologist. She has over 20 years of experience as a mental health professional, integrating a holistic approach to each of her clients with diverse psychotherapeutic resources.

About the Author

Dr. Linda Sakr is a Counseling Psychologist with a holistic approach and experience in a wide range of mental health issues. She works mainly with adults, couples and adolescents, on a range of issues related to anxiety, depression, relationships, stress management, existential issues, and parenting to name a few. She mainly uses a Cognitive Behavioural Approach, which means that she will help you identify and change disturbing thoughts patterns that have a negative influence on behavior and emotions. Her purpose is to guide and empower people to live consciously.