Habits for the New Age of Aquarius

Do you remember how difficult it was to access knowledge and information 30 years ago compared to now?

And what about the time you spent in front of a cell phone or computer just 20 years ago? It was probably much less than it is now.


Over the last century and a half, we transformed our lifestyle at an unprecedented pace that seems to be accelerating even more. An evolution that has spread to virtually the entire globe, to the point where more people now use cell phones than have access to private toilets or sanitation.

And, along with major changes in the environment, come changes in our inner world. Our ways of socializing, working, and taking care of our health are also influenced by these changes


Why do we experience such accelerated changes in the world?


As souls, we take part in a continuous process of evolution of consciousness. An evolution fueled by the instinct and spiritual longing to not only survive but to be better every day and leave a legacy. 

However, there are periods in history in which we experience such strong paradigm shifts that require us not only to do things better. These changes will also force us to let go of old patterns and create a different reality. A new reality in which previous beliefs and habits will be less favorable or even counterproductive.

The current times are one of those periods. Since just over a century ago, we have entered a process of very profound paradigm leaps, which will continue at high speed for several decades.

One of the biggest paradigm shifts occurring during this process is related to our lifestyle and the way we heal and stay healthy. And to understand such change, learning the spiritual essence of the times you’re living in is crucial.


The Astrological Ages


Time is more than a unidirectional and linear evolution. Ancient cultures around the world sustained that there are clear patterns of change in time that affect consciousness. In the long term, these changes give shape to the spiritual eras, being the astrological ages the most widespread designation for them.

Each astrological age or ‘hour’ lasts over 2100 years, with one zodiac sign ruling them. However, at current times we are facing a shift that is much more intense than usual.

It is like saying that a day has 24 hours with gradual changes from hour to hour. Yet, there are periods such as dawn and twilight, in which the changes are much more noticeable and rapid. Well, seen in this way, we are currently facing not just one more hour shift, but a ‘dawn’ of consciousness.


Are we in the Age of Aquarius now?


According to astrology and the precession of equinoxes, we are leaving the Age or ‘hour’ of Pisces and entering the ‘hour’ of Aquarius. And to this change is also added the dawn or passage from ‘night’ to ‘cosmic day’, which happens approximately every 13000 years only! Depending on the sources, the years 2012 or 2020 of the Gregorian calendar are considered the years of the definitive entrance to this new era.

Find spiritual guidance during these challenging times. Connect with us at Keyani and uncover your spiritual path.


The new Age of Aquarius and its influence on health and wellness


In the Aquarian Age, there will be no more secrets left. Information is more available than ever to awaken the power of mind over body. And it’s not just the information on the internet, but the knowledge of your soul. You have the power to be your main healer, and the better you align with your heart and body’s wisdom, the healthier you’ll live.

Access to this inner information also means the need to apply therapeutic methods adapted to each individual. Each soul and its process is unique. The best therapists for this new age will be those who help people find their own answers to heal naturally and be themselves.

On a collective level, finding that so many paradigms inherited for tens of generations no longer work generates deep tension. We all are facing some form of spiritual confrontation, that’s also reflected in our health and wellness. That’s why everyone is either very stressed, sick, or in a process of healing and spiritual awakening. 

Find below a list of the main changes experienced during this transition. Your soul has decided to incarnate in very challenging and decisive times. Thus, understanding such shifts may help you be more compassionate to yourself and open your mind to new habits.


Differences between the Old and the New Age for your health


Previous Age (Pisces and Cosmic Night) New Age (Aquarius and Cosmic Dawn)
Materialism. Frequencies and Energy.
Healing and salvation are outside. Suppression of feminine and intuitive wisdom, and waited for symptoms to appear before attending to them. Intuitive development and remembrance of endogenous healing resources. Therapies focused on integral wellness and prevention.
Spiritual darkness and limited access to knowledge. Abundant access to knowledge.
Patriarchalism and centralized systems of social control.  More balance between masculine and feminine leadership. Self-sustaining societies.
Rationalism. Hard and mechanical work. Meditation. Creative and collective artwork.
Constant wars and uncertainty of nature as main risks. Sedentarism. Chronic stress. Pollution, exposure to technology and artificial electromagnetic fields as risks.
Spirituality and Science were separate and irreconcilable. Science confirms spiritual and ancient truths.


Habits to adapt to the New Age


Despite the profound transformations that continue to take place, some simple changes can help you adapt and stay healthy in mind and body.

  •   Reconcile with nature: Spend time close to it. Eat organic food. Prefer natural remedies. Learn to harvest your own food.
  •    Exercise: Physical activity at work and daily home routine has been greatly reduced. Doing some yoga or workout at least a few minutes a day will help you stay balanced.
  •    Limit the consumption of information: whether by digital means or not, the key is no longer to know more, but to be yourself and act accordingly.
  •    Respect time for everything: In the past, the need to ‘compete’ and live on the run to succeed was predominant. Now, it is better to know how to listen to your intuition, and respect the times for at least the most basic things in life: bedtime and mealtimes, and sharing with friends and loved ones.
  •    Meditate every day: Question beliefs. Explore who you are and your purpose as a soul.
  •  Intuitive and preventive healing: Learn the psycho-emotional meaning of symptoms and illnesses. Listen more to your body and soul before taking synthetic medications and prevent chronic diseases.

 Guide children and learn from them: New souls come configured to live these new times. Listening to them before forcibly imposing any order or educational system can teach you more than you can imagine.




Adaptability is an aspect that distinguishes wise and flexible people. Listening to both the physical world and their hearts leads them to question what is established and realizes that some conventionalisms are no longer relevant.

 When you dare to take the leap, you open yourself to new challenges, but also to beautiful blessings.

That you have come to this blog post with an interest in knowing the times we live in, means that you hear the call of your soul to live differently. Now you know that you incarnated in the midst of a unique awakening process that many souls for generations would have wished to live.

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