Today, a healthy and thriving individual is no longer someone with high intelligence, IQ, or skills but someone who has high emotional intelligence or EQ. It is one’s ability to understand, manage, and control one’s emotions and those of others and to distinguish between them. It plays a crucial role in determining our relationship, work life, intrapersonal talk, and meaningful life in general.
Many people believe that they are emotionally weak and there is nothing they can do about it. However, under the able guidance of a holistic lifestyle coach and psychology specialist, one can enhance their emotional intelligence. Everyone needs to train themselves in this busy world to be emotionally sound, manage overwhelming emotions, and prevent them from overpowering their decisions.
Emotional intelligence as a term was popularized by Daniel Golman and he stated its importance for business leadership. His model of emotional intelligence had five aspects:
Self-awareness- The ability to acknowledge and recognize one’s own emotions, their causes, thoughts surrounding them, and the behavioral impact.
Self-regulation- The second necessary step after recognizing your emotions is to regulate or manage them. It aims to channel negative or disruptive emotions.
Motivation- It refers to one’s ability to harness emotions to drive oneself towards a particular goal.
Empathy- Emotional intelligence means to understand the emotions of others and to put oneself in their shoes.
Social skills- Emotional intelligence and a holistic lifestyle coach try to improve relationships by improving ways of communicating and socializing.
If you train yourself to become emotionally intelligent with the help of a holistic lifestyle coach or a psychological consultation specialists, you can expect the following changes:
Stress management- Stress has become a part of everyday life which cannot be prevented. However, it can be managed. A holistic lifestyle coach will equip you with tools and techniques that help you manage stress effectively.
Improved interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships- An emotionally intelligent person will be able to understand his/her own emotions and those of others. This is likely to make the person more clear in their thoughts and communication. Therefore improving the quality of relationships in life.
Conflict resolution- High emotional intelligence leads to higher empathy and respect for others. Such people can manage disputes easily and find common ground to resolve the issue. They are also able to manage internal dilemmas and conflicts better than others because of their ability to know their emotions well.
Become better leaders- A good leader must be aware of his/ her own emotions and those of his teammates. Emotional intelligence helps you become an effective leader who understands, motivates, and inspires.
Higher resilience- Resilience is the ability to bounce back to normal after any stressful event. Psychological consultant specialists have defined this to be one of the most important aspects of living a fulfilled life.
Practice mindfulness- The journey of emotional intelligence begins by becoming self-aware or mindful of our emotions, feelings, and thoughts. A holistic lifestyle coach will help you in everyday reflections, journaling, etc, to understand your triggers and manage them in life.
Be assertive and maintain boundaries- An emotionally intelligent person does not get carried away by their emotions. They can voice their opinions positively and ensure that their boundaries are not crossed.
Strike work-life balance- A holistic approach is not limited to emotional well-being alone. It keeps an account of our physical, spiritual, and work life. They help in striking a perfect work-life balance to ensure personal fulfillment.
Emotional intelligence coaches can accelerate your process of becoming self-aware. Their professional insights can add value to your growth and equip you with powerful tools to help you become a better individual. With the right holistic coaching, you can harness the power of your emotions and create a better life for yourself. Remember, emotional intelligence ensures both success and meaning in life.
If you are struggling with emotions, maybe it is time for you to take emotional guidance from an expert. Emotional intelligence is an essential skill set in this fast-paced world where emotional baggage gets heavy.
Unburden yourself under the able guidance of coaches and consultants. If you are looking for an emotional intelligence or holistic life coach, contact Keyani Wellness for all psychological consultation services.