Hypnotherapy: Myths v. Facts

Hypnosis is a therapeutic resource that has been used for generations, and about which many myths and speculations about its operation are still maintained. So much so, that even today many people distrust its efficacy and consider it a pseudotherapy.
However, the endorsement of its success by science and throughout history in the face of various problems helps to keep it on its feet. That’s why it’s effectively implemented by health professionals -including me- today.
Next I will dismantle the main myths about hypnosis and hypnotherapy. This way, you will open yourself to a world of therapeutic possibilities that put the power of your mind in your favor.

Monthly Wellness Challenge: Mindful Eating for a Mindful Life

We all strive to improve ourselves every day. Whether it is for our health needs, or to achieve success, or simply to know ourselves and align with our inner voice. But, in order to achieve profound and long-term changes, we must establish habits that are better aligned with our desired self.

Transform your life with holistic breathing therapies

These are some of the many benefits you find in my Transformational Holistic Breathing  therapy, in which I include breathing work combined with other powerful resources in a professional and humane way to help you find yourself and heal.